Toolbox: RPS All Tools Command Library

Includes all currently available commands plus any new commands released in the subscription period.

Add Isopach
Computes a surcharge / overexcavation surface by adding a % of cut or fill depth to a selected surface. Can also be used to adjust a surface model to match grade at project limits or at other locations e.g. at bridge decks / abutments etc.
Adjust Linestring Elevation
Modifies the elevation of nodes / segments of a linestring
Affix Name
Applies and removes a prefix or suffix to the name of selected objects
Assign Name from Inside Text
Names closed lines using text objects that lie within the polygons area
CAD Cleanup
Tools for cleaning up projects, especially after import from other CAD systems or vectorized PDF Data
CIVRobotics Manager
Exports and emails stakeout point data to a selected CIVRobotics Staking Robot and imports As Staked points for reporting and QA purposes
Combine Surfaces
Combine multiple non overlapping surfaces into a single surface
Convert To Linestring
Convert CAD lines to linestrings. Option to remove UCS effect
Convert to MText
Converts the selected CAD text objects to multiline text objects
Copy to Clipboard
Copy TBC objects to the Windows Clipboard using our virtual VCL format for quick and easy transfer between projects in combination with the RPS Paste command. Create copies of sheet sets including all settings in the same project.
Corridor As Built Report
Creates a formatted Excel Spreadsheet report from measured 3D points aligned to specified station intervals against a line or alignment, sorted from Left to Right across the alignment where each column of data is a specified code and the value presented is the Delta Elevation between the measured point and the referenced surface elevation
Corridor Cut Sheet Report
Generates a Cut Sheet report in excel based on the selected corridor
Create Slope Indicators
Create slope indicator marks or "tadpole" symbols between top and toe of embankment strings. Use the 3D slope indicator lines to enhance sideslopes and pavement surfaces in 3D surface models.
Create X-Lines
Generates section lines (XLines) and labels at key points and user defined locations along an alignment or corridor model. Can be used for Roads, Bridges, Walls and Buildings
Crop Crossing Lines
Removes sections of selected lines that cross the cropping area
Cut Fill Labels
Creates labels with Cut / Fill information at the specified locations
Define Extra Stations
Add extra station locations to corridors to improve models and reporting
Earthworks Website
Provides one click access and login to the RPS Earthworks Web Software
Earthworks Work Orders
The Earthworks command provides a direct connection to the RPS Earthworks web system that enables the publishing of Work Orders (Design and Existing Surfaces) plus map overlays (linework) and image overlays (aerial images and Cut Fill Maps).
Edit Alignment as Spreadsheet
Edit / Enter HAL/VAL alignment in a spreadsheet
Elevate by Attribute
Elevate GIS data using it's elevation attribute
Explode Solids
Explodes IFC Shell Objects and 3D Faces into 3D linework on separate color top, bottom and near vertical surface element layers. Duplicate linework is also eliminated.
Export HCSS
Exports an Alignment to the csv file format required by HCSS Plans
Exports selected objects in the Moss - GENIO file format
Export XML
Export linestring and alignment data to LandXML alignment format for stringless pavers
Extend Lines
Creates lead in and lead out line extensions to linestrings for stringless pavers
Extract Surface Features
Explodes surfaces into points and lines. Finds breaklines, drape lines, boundaries and feature linework within the TIN model to reverse engineer data out of basic TIN surfaces provided in LandXML or TTM surface formats.
Face Analyzer
Analyze survey points or point clouds against 3D faces extracted from IFC, CAD Solid or Mesh objects. Create 3D Pin Cushion analysis, projected plane drawings and detailed statistics reports
Geometric Selection
Selects and relayers data by geometric properties (length, aspect, nodes)
Import Boring Logs
Imports boring log data from a CSV file to create site (Takeoff) boring logs in order to rapidly build strata layers for earthworks quantity purposes.
Import Pile Plan
Customizable importer for spreadsheet data for Solar Farm Pile Plans and Piles to automatically create Pile design data ready for machine control or QA analysis.
Isolate Layers
Isolate / Un-Isolate any number of layers with a single keystroke. Keep Surfaces and Images / PDF Pages visible while layers are isolated.
Label Points
Create offset and cut/fill labels between selected points and a reference linestring or alignment
Layer Manager
Manage and rename layers and layer groups
Linestring by Station
Create a linestring from points sorted by alignment stationing
Lock Views
Lock two plan views for synchronous panning and zooming
Matrix Copy
Copies objects multiple times in a rectangular grid pattern
Menu Manager
Toggle between light and dark Mode menu color schemes
Modify ASCII File
Utility to modify the contents of an Ascii file (csv, pts, xyz, ...) using formulas to alter columns of data
Multi Offset Lines
Template driven offset line generation tool. Creates multiple offset lines from multiple source lines based on template driven instructions accessed from your personal template library. Created linework can be placed on any number of layers and be automatically incorporated into any number of surfaces.
Name by Layer
Names selected objects using the objects layer name. Allows Linestyle, Line Weight and Line Color to be set from ByLayer properties
New Layer
Creates a new layer and layer group including takeoff properties
Moves lines a very small amount in order to prevent vertical surfaces
Offset Surface
Provides the ability to offset an entire surface or an area of a surface within a clipping boundary to create a new surface model. This is a quick and easy tool to create e.g. Topsoil Strip surfaces from an Existing Ground surface model.
Optimize Linestrings
Optimizes horizontal and vertical linestring data to create curvilinear lines and alignments for stringless paver applications
Paste images into project from clipboard
PDF Vectors
Extracts vectors from georeferenced PDF images on demand using automatic and manual process controls. Lines can be layered, joined and elevated in the process, eliminating multiple Takeoff steps and increasing productivity.
Permit Area Manager
Create and tabulate project permit areas and validate total open areas
Perpendicular Distance to Surface
Computes the perpendicular distance between points and a surface
Pile Definition Manager
Provides ability to create user defined pile definitions for Solar Farm piling operations to be used with RPS piling command capabilities
Piling QA Report
Creates a multi tab excel report on all quality metrics for solar farm piling operations. Integrates pile designs with As Built Pile Results from machine data and as built survey information to analyze 6 quality metrics for every pile.
Place Aligned Blocks
Places blocks on points and orientates them to an alignment
Point Cloud Processor
Processes Point Clouds to intelligently reduce the number of points in the point cloud using spatial analysis techniques that retain the integrity of the source data in the resulting point cloud scan. Inclusion and exclusion boundaries can be applied to eliminated unnecessary. Also creates surface(s) from the resulting data set that can also utilize the same boundary lines for inclusion / exclusion areas. Removes vegetation (Trees, Bushes, Shrubs and Grasses from Point Cloud Data to make clean usable surfaces for project quantities.
Point Creator
Creates stakeout point data from linework and alignments for site and road projects
Point Detail Report
Customizable detailed point reports including references to surface and alignment objects
Polynomial Regrade
Compute polynomial best fit lines through points for regrading surfaces for solar farm array tables (Pre Piling)
Project Files
Command opens the Windows File Explorer at your currently active Project File’s folder location, so that you can quickly access data that has been imported or generated from the current project.
QA Lines
Provides the ability to display the slope direction, slope value, slope or horizontal length and bearing allowing you to instantly identify lines / pipes that are too steep, too shallow, flowing the wrong direction or that fall within defined tolerance ranges
QA Notebook
Create QA markups, notes, assumptions, RFIs during project development (Takeoff or 3D Model) inside the TBC project that can be reported to Excel or plotted as drawing elements.
QA Points
Compare design point locations with as-builts to produce text, report or tables showing errors or corrections
Quick Line
Create simple linestrings quickly in 3D
Radial Points
Creates points using polar coordinate geometry
Radial Points (Script)
Creates points using scripted polar coordinate geometry
Allows rapid relayering of objects using a user specified list of layers
Remove Duplicates
Specify color, layer, position tolerance and text case parameters to identify duplicate text items and relayer or delete those identified as duplicates from imported CAD or vector PDF files.
Rename Drill Holes
Renames drill plan holes to accommodate user added and adjusted holes
Reverse Line
Reverses the direction of the specified line
Rotate the plan view based on an alignment, line, text object or simply rotate freehand for maximized screen use, faster and easier selections or simply to more easily read text in PDF images or CAD files. Reset to North Up when you want to return graphics to normal display mode.
RPSTracker Website
RPSTracker Work Orders
Shortcut Manager
Manages user's keyboard shortcuts for commands in TBC.
Show Line Direction
Show the direction of a selected line
Slope Designer
Advanced tool for creating offset lines and sideslopes using combinations of slope, offset and delta elevation input or slope to target surface. Designed to provide manual or fully automated control and provide a great solution for both internal and external corner handling.
Smart Copy
Create multiple copies of any objects quickly on the same or different layers, in 2D or 3D and in any view
Smart Edit
Break, Trim, Extend, Join lines in 3D. Join, Elevate and Relayer Pads and Contours. Join and Relayer 3D variable elevation lines. Advanced, high productivity methods for editing in 2D or 3D.
Smart Join
Manual and fully automated join command that solves for gaps, overlaps, crossovers, intersections in a smart way, allowing for high productivity joining of disconnected CAD or PDF linework.
Station / Offset Points
Create points using station, offset and elevation inputs along a selected alignment
Surface Area by Slope Ranges
Computes cut/fill surface area for selected surfaces reported by slope ranges
Surface Intersection Linestring
Creates linestrings where the two given surfaces intersect
Surface to Points
Export surface vertices to a point cloud .xyz file
Takeoff Lines
Quickly draw or digitize 2D and 3D lines with a range of enhanced elevation, line node and close controls
Text Style Manager
Manages Text Styles providing the ability to define a Stroked Font (good for CAD Speed) and a True Type Font (higher quality drawing presentation) on each text style, allowing you to swap between Stroked and True Types whenever you want to. The Stroke Font width, oblique angle and character weight can also be modified to more closely match the True Type font definition.
Toolbar Manager
Utility that provides the ability to save out your custom toolbars and import them back into a different menu configuration
Unreleased - Label Lines
Label selected lines with names, slopes, lengths, elevations, stations, offsets, elevation deltas to a reference surface at intervals along the line or in relation to a selected reference line. Labels can be exported to machine files to assist operators on site. Labels can be staggered to avoid overwrite of text in graphics / CAD
Unreleased - QA Floor
Performs Floor Flatness and Floor Levelness Checks on Point Cloud Scan data to the US ASTM 1155 standard
View Filter Override
Apply override color, linestyle and lineweight to ByLayer objects on selected Layers in a specified view filter for plotting purposes
Volumes Manager
Create and manage boundaries, boundary collections and boundary groups. Compute and store volume calculations for later recall. Label and annotate drawings with volume labels and tables and generate volume reports for a variety of volumetric scenarios e.g. Stockpiles, Progress, Cut / Fill, Pay Quantities etc.